You are cordially invited to join me for a seminar next week in Tampa, Florida at the Free Will Baptist National Convention. I’ll be sharing a seminar on Monday afternoon entitled, “Understanding and Responding to Infertility.”
This seminar is being kindly sponsored by the great folks at D6 Family Ministry. My presentation coincides with the recent publication of Volume 6 of the D6 Southwestern Family Ministry Journal. You can purchase the entire journal volume, or select individual articles for purchase at the very affordable price of $2.99. Among these articles is one I have authored on the aforementioned subject.
Infertility is a common, underdiscussed problem in the modern church. I intend to shed some light on the subject, offering biblical and practical considerations for both struggling couples, and especially churches and church members responding to those in need.
I’m also going to be assisting in another important seminar by Chris Talbot of Welch College. Chris will be presenting a seminar just before mine entitled, “The Bible and the Body: Theological Clarity in a Confused Culture.” This seminar is sponsored by the Commission for Theological Integrity. Join us for the full 90 minutes as we dig into perhaps the most pressing area of confusion in contemporary culture.
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